NEW! UTOPIA@DESIGN "Raquel" Boots @ Uber Event (11/25) (main store)
Included fits for Gen.X Curvy, Gen.X Classic, Reborn, Maitreya, Legacy, and Kupra. The included hud is loaded with 25 preset textures, the ability to mix n'match those textures, and a tint/gloss/specular panel!
BELLEZA Gen.X Curvy body (main store)
CAROL G "Pantyhose Nylon" BOM (toeless) stockings; Black, Purple, Red, White (main store)
MOCCINO "Ashamti" for Lelutka Evo X shown in "Amber" tone (main store)
E-CLIPSE DESIGN "Saruman" for ^^SWALLOW^^ Gauged XL ears (main store)
also showing...
NEW! PUNKLIST "Maize" hairstyle w/tintable BOM hb, flexi & mesh front n'back braids, color/tint hud (main store)
NEW! Clef de Peau "D&G" Bodysuit @ FaMESHed Event (main store)
LELUTKA EVO X (main store)